

A child is born.

A child is lost.

Two sisters become three.

Three sisters become two.

A child becomes motherless.

The closest thing you ever had to a child is gone.



For the first time, a specific date takes on meaning.  And old dates have new meanings.

Those moments your life totally shifts in an instant.

You know you will never be the same person you were the very moment before.

The feeling in your soul the morning after your loved one is completely spirit.

A new journey begins.  You now have a “new normal”.


A picture captures feelings as if the feelings are what is captured.

This picture was taken three years ago.


The sunrise of the day my “baby” sister {Crystal} transitioned back to Heaven.

I feel my sister’s spirit when I look at that divine sky.

An AWEsome sister.

The kind of sister you want and need in your life.

She loved well and with all her heart.

It has been said, “losing a sister is like losing a limb”.  I agree wholeheartedly with that analogy.



She remains part of me, I remain part of her.




  1. “A picture captures feelings as if the feelings are what is captured.”
    of course, i love this line best. i had to reread it several times… and, as if there are words that are big enough to wrap around this. beautiful tribute.

    • A huge compliment coming from someone with an eye for beauty unlike anyone else I know. The depth of your perception is a gift to the world… thank you, my friend.

  2. Sonya Shipley says:

    You have always been one to express your comical side that make all of us laugh and smile! Thank you for sharing your beautifully expressed deeper feelings! You ARE definetly southern soul!

    • Thank you and you are welcome, Sonya! My fellow animal loving furiend ^..^

  3. Found you through life(in)grace. I just lost my older brother in August. Lost my oldest brother in 1966. Lost a pregnancy in 1990. Lost my dad in 1991, my mom in 1992. My best friend in 2006, my husband abandoned me, children in 2006 my best friends mom who was my second mom in 2011. My life began changing with loss, death, in 1966…I’ve tried with Lords help to grow through it all. You learn to live with it, over and over. I still often find myself thinking for a second when something happens how I’d like to share it with one of them.

    • Hello, new friend! Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I am so sorry, Lisa. Clearly, it takes an extremely strong lady to go through all you have. Please know you have been a blessing to me. Thank you.

  4. I could have written this. The three of us are now two. Lost my sister nine years ago in October 10. Suddenly. At age 49. Indeed like losing a limb.

    • Thank you for reading and sharing, Angela. Perhaps, two angels worked together on this connection 🙂 xoxo

  5. Deborah H says:

    Lost my husband 10/3/95.

  6. Cherry Owens Harvey says:

    I totally agree losing my sister, your cousin, your sister my cousins, has been one of the most difficult things I have had to face. Losing your mom, my Aunt after I lost my dad your Uncle was also one of the hardest things I have ever Faced. “I want you to know I Love You, but most importantly I want you to know that your dad has faced what we all with face one day and at that time there will be no more death, and know that the sting of death was paid for on The Cross of Calvary” spoken to me in a sweet whisper , in my ear at my Dads Funeral just three months before I attended this sweet ladies Fumeral, thankful for the comforting word from your mom, my Aunt Sue!

  7. What a blessing! Thank you for your friendship and love and being an inspiration! http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/


  1. […] my friend, Trish, who lost her sister a few Octobers ago, who’s life was changed forever, and is now giving birth to a life of […]